We are glad that you are interested in being a part of our artist family. Before you get to the business of completing the online application, we thought it might be a good idea to let you know our thoughts on endorsements and the things we consider when deciding who to bring into our family - or not.

Our Definition of an ‘Endorsement’

By its basic definition, an ‘endorsement’ means a performing musician fully commits to and swears by a specific brand. In other words, that brand's instruments are the best and only product that musician wants to play or use. The musician endorses the brand, not the other way around. This means a musician can endorse a brand, but not have an 'official' relationship with that brand.

How does an endorsement become 'official'?
The relationship becomes an official endorsement when the company who owns that brand acknowledges that endorsement both officially and publicly.

A Mutually Beneficial Relationship
In such a relationship each party benefits from something:

- The Musician receives:

  • Professional equipment that they believe is the best in supporting or representing their musical voice.
  • Support needed in all relative circumstances.
  • The ability to work with and order from one of the most experienced and reliable AR teams in the business.
  • Participation in Product testing from time to time

- The Brand receives:

  • An increase in sales due to that musician's sphere of influence (fans/students/friends) being big enough to impact additional purchases of the instruments/products it sells.
  • Consistent contact with highly esteemed musicians who can offer input and advice from the real world that is advantageous to the brand's understanding of the market's real-life needs.

How do I get an official relationship with Vic Firth?

When Vic Firth enters an official endorsement relationship with a musician, they are being accepted into our family. That is something we take great pride in, so much so, that we are very selective about who we allow in.

If you are prepared to move forward with the application process, click here.