Grant Collins

Grant Collins

Solo Artist

Grant is one of the forerunners in the industry, forever pushing the limits and confines of music and leading cutting edge, creative and unconventional drumming. His approach defies stereotypical drum set methodologies with his innovative and enthralling solo drum set compositions. He uses all four limbs both individually and as a collective to present multi-timbral soundscapes, defining the drum set as a contemporary solo instrument for the world stage.

Through his determination, Grant has developed powerful and modern drum set solo performances, which have captivated audiences wherever he goes. Grants dynamic one-man show is a reflection of his infatuation with the drums, which has seen him tour and perform as an international artist at many concert halls across the globe. Not only does Grant attack the boundaries of a solo performer, he also pushes the restrictions of his instrument to create ground-breaking ingenious works. Grants sell out performances have also been trumped with feature presentations on countless radio stations and television programs. These high accolades have also been received for Grants DVD Live @ The Tivoli “ The Official Bootleg and his CDs Primal Instinct and Dogboy, for which he has received exceptional reviews from around the world.

Grants instrument is as unique as his creative musical attributes. His one of a kind custom drum-set is valued at over $75,000 and takes his team two hours to assemble. The drum-set consists of almost eighty pieces with 26 drums, 34 cymbals, and 18 foot pedals, prompting comments on the kit looking more like an artistic sculpture than an instrument, as the Morning Bulletin published.

The extensive skills of Grant Collins go beyond his abilities to create and use such an intense drum set. He has a Doctorate of Music in composition and performance, which has supported his international growth and reputation. He is also a passionate and highly skilled educator. His active involvement with the Queensland Arts Council and Education Queensland has delivered some of the highest quality educational workshops in schools throughout Queensland and Australia. He has also done many workshops, clinics and artist in residencies around the world at schools, music academys and universities.

Internationally-renowned drummer, Dom Famularo, has travelled the world with many great drummers. He had this to say about Grant: "It is not often I hear someone who is on the cutting edge of modern drum-set performance. Well, in Australia I heard that person¦ Grant Collins! When you hear him, be prepared for the ride he will take you on¦ you will remember it for the rest of your life."


Solo Artist