Patrick Metzger

Patrick Metzger

Independent / Teacher / Clinician

Patrick Metzger, born in Homburg/Germany is a skilled Drummer, Teacher and Clinician. He currently plays professionally in bands in his home country as well as the rest of Europe. Aside from playing, Patrick holds Workshops and Drum clinics and does drum coaching. Around the age of 4 and 5 he sat in front of his first drum set, that of his fathers, who was his first instructor. During school years he played in Schoolbands, Marching Bands and also some Local Coverbands. He grew up in the area of Rammstein, where there is a big US airport which gave him the chance to meet and play with many American musicians. In September 2000 he began his studies in Drums and Percussion. He had the opportunity to study with some great teachers like Udo Dahmen, Claus Hessler, Dom Famularo, Jost Nickel, and many more. Also he take private lessons with Jim Chapin, David Garibaldi, Dave Weckl, Chad Wackermann.

In 2004 he went for an exchange to the Netherlands and visited the Jazz Conservatorium in Maastricht. While there he received lessons from Ron van Stratum, who is a well-known Jazz and Latin Drummer from the Netherlands. In 2005 he went back to Germany and started at the Popacadamy in Mannheim, which is the first and most popular School of Popmusic in Germany. He finished in 2008 with a žBachelor of Artsœ. Paddy, as friends and colleagues like to call him, is currently living in Mannheim and founded his own School for Drum Coaching, called žDRUMSformers Drumschoolœ. Since 2013 Patrick plays for the German popsinger œBeatrice Egli and is to be seen a lot on tour and on TV Shows. In 2014 he released his first Drum-Playalongbook and beginn to write monthly for the german Drummagazin œSticks. 2017 the second Book œTolls & Skills came out and he writes a small Book called œDrums & Business, which is about the Music Scene in Germany and how to promote yourself. And also, he contributes articles for the german žOffbeatœ Magazin and does Networking for žPercussion Creativœ, which is the German Brother of the P.A.S. in the USA.

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Patrick Metzger's
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    If i Change my playing from crossed handed to openhanded i feel very much better, and my mind gets open for some new Ideas... by the way, my left hand gets better and better in a short time.


    I like to look at other Drummers what they play and tell in Workshops, Books an Lessons. Then i try to create my own way of some Workouts and Ideas for some Exercises...


    In the 85A Stick i found my favourit weight & length what feels the best for me.